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Lauren created the Articles (formally known as the blog) over three years ago. The Articles were originally developed as a space for Lauren to share her experiences and employ her voice to create a narrative that was all her own. Documenting her journey with intentional living and entrepreneurship, her dreams grew and her business expanded.
As time went on, Lauren nurtured her intentional living journey, carrying aspects of it over into every facet of her business, including the blog. She used that opportunity to create an ongoing journal of being a woman in entrepreneurship with the desire to combine intentionality under both umbrellas of life and business. The La.Rue Articles are curated with various topics, including intentional living, lifestyle development, entrepreneurship, and personal stories from Lauren. Our hope in sharing this collection of articles is to empower you with the tools, resources, and community to live an intentional life and run an intentional business.
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Content to Serve
all things lauren
Lifestyle development
Intentional Living
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It can be difficult, if not impossible, to leave behind any negative energy you were feeling yesterday. It’s easy to let emotions carry over one day after another. After all, this is inevitably how we reach periods of “stuckness” or moments where things are just a little off. Emotions aren’t something we should ever distance […]
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In truth, I believe we’re constantly in receiving mode. We’re always receiving and consuming messages, content, information, data, etc., and processing it as best we know how. It’s not a matter of if we’re receiving, but how we’re interpreting the information or signs coming in. There are simple signs or messages we receive daily that […]
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The phrases “rejection is redirection” or “rejection is protection” are tossed around a lot in the spiritual conversation. And yet, it’s still one of those things that are (far) easier to say than do. When someone says one of these phrases to us, we usually nod our heads aimlessly while ruminating on the pain of […]
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When I think of boundaries, I see this image of malleable moving parts constantly being pushed and pulled in different directions. Just like many aspects of our lives, our boundaries are constantly changing. We have different boundaries for different conditions of our lives, different people, places, etc. Everything in our lives is separated by categories […]
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Spring Cleaning: an annual purging many participate in to clear out belongings we no longer need, clothes we no longer wear, and things we no longer use. But what else does Spring Cleaning do for us? It’s not just a physical purge of items sitting in the back of your closet or under your bed […]
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Do you remember learning the laws of thermodynamics when you were in elementary school? The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. The exact amount of energy that pre-existed humans is the same amount of energy today. The same law applies to spiritual energy. In the spiritual conversation, this […]
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We are all divine. Just as we are all inherently worthy and abundant—we are divine. To be divine does not mean to reach a higher level of self-awareness or be more in touch with your higher self; it is simply your existence. I recently learned this myself having Jen Cortlandt on the Do the Damn […]
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Unhealthy attachments often look like dependence or reliance on another person. They can also be unhealthy attachments to a task or an object that avoids or distracts from something different. We fill our time and expend our energy on work or cleaning the house so that we don’t have to think about that one thing […]
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Have you ever asked yourself what happens if you stop asking the questions of “how” and “why” and simply believe? What bad thing happens if you believe in yourself and allow the Universe to clarify those (often minor) details? Connection with the Universe and its power implies an unbounded trust. To have this relationship, we […]
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Your South Node sits exactly 180 degrees opposite of your North Node on your birth chart. It represents where your karmic journey has begun and what gifts you’re bringing into your present life from past experience. As I’ve been learning the ropes of astrology and joining the fanfare of reading birth charts, I thought I’d […]
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Write | Inspire | Dream The low to high vibe shift can be as simple as a few easy changes in perspective. It can be the perspective of a space that actually needs changing to simply adjust your vibrational energy. OR, it can come down to some internal work we need to do to completely shift our […]
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Write | Inspire | Dream Over the last several weeks, we’ve talked about self-care, grazing into the topic on the Sunday Night Routine Blog and the 7 Ways to Reduce Stress Blog. But today on La.Rue, I want to dive deeper into Self-Care and its benefits when practiced daily. I want to talk about how […]
October 2020:
La.Rue Blog Launches
November 2021: Hits 1,000 Monthly Viewers
October 2022: Hits 2,000 Monthly Viewers
August 2022: Launch of the Entrepreneurship Category
January 2023: Launch of the 2023 Goal Setting Challenge
January 2024: Articles hits 20,000 Unique Visitors
August 2023: Hits 3,000 Monthly Viewers
Behind The Articles
The Articles were the first content platform to launch at La.Rue. Lauren spent most of her time nurturing the blog and building out a wide variety of content. If you’ve followed the Blog (now Articles) for a while, you may have noticed the dramatic shift in content about a year into its inception. Like many, Lauren faced fears in launching an online forum where she would openly, honestly, and candidly share her experiences with the world. It took some time to open up and shift the content to focus on healing, mindset building, and lifestyle changes. And now, the collection of the La.Rue Articles serves as documentation of one person’s growth, and the musing she serves that aid in the growth of the masses.
Who They Serve
The La.Rue Articles are for women on the journey to heal their mind to live a more intentional life. Lauren built La.Rue on the belief that women can “have it all.” As entrepreneurs, we’re taught that we have to give up our personal lives for our business to succeed. That we have to delicate everything we have for the potential to reach success. But, Lauren believed there was a way to have both. To live an intentional life and build an intentional and successful business. Lauren nurtured her belief in this over time, documenting her journey on intentionality every step of the way. Every single article she’s written has been for the women who do (or want to) believe in the same. The La.Rue Articles are for every women entrepreneur seeking to build an successful business while maintaining an intentional life.
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We’re officially in a post-Covid era and people, more than ever, are calling on their inner networks to connect. The desire to rekindle human connection is on the rise and community building is the key to achieving it. The La.Rue Community is more than just a social club; it is a catalyst for transformation and […]
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The time has come (at last) to share the details of The La.Rue Community launching in January. This community for women entrepreneurs has been months in the making, with every piece of copy, programming, and offerings being thoughtfully curated and created for you. My team and I have spent countless hours brainstorming and building out […]
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What is the Challenge? The La.Rue 30-Day Intentional Living Challenge is a guide I have curated and designed to help you change your life to live intentionally and achieve your dreams. This guide is for the person struggling with direction, feeling unmotivated, stuck, or in need of some inspiring guidance. The challenge holds in-depth exercises, […]
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