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Lauren created the Articles (formally known as the blog) over three years ago. The Articles were originally developed as a space for Lauren to share her experiences and employ her voice to create a narrative that was all her own. Documenting her journey with intentional living and entrepreneurship, her dreams grew and her business expanded.
As time went on, Lauren nurtured her intentional living journey, carrying aspects of it over into every facet of her business, including the blog. She used that opportunity to create an ongoing journal of being a woman in entrepreneurship with the desire to combine intentionality under both umbrellas of life and business. The La.Rue Articles are curated with various topics, including intentional living, lifestyle development, entrepreneurship, and personal stories from Lauren. Our hope in sharing this collection of articles is to empower you with the tools, resources, and community to live an intentional life and run an intentional business.
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Content to Serve
all things lauren
Lifestyle development
Intentional Living
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In the early stages of your entrepreneurship journey, a great way to grow your network and your client book is by creating partnerships. There are several different types of partnerships you can have with someone. One type of partnership is freelancing for someone. Essentially, this means you freelance for them and they hire you out […]
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There are so many ways ideas of success and confidence can get muddled or confused. The way you interpret success is likely different from your neighbor, your best friend, parents, and so on. The way we look at and identify success varies. Success means something different for everyone. Even within our own definition of success, […]
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Happy August update to the 2023 Goal Setting Challenge: How to Make 2023 Your Best Year Yet, August Edition! If you’re new here, throughout 2023, I have implemented a goal-setting challenge to hold myself accountable to my big dreams. Each month, I’m serving updates via the Blog and Podcast to keep you informed (and hold […]
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A person’s spiritual journey is very personal. It’s a relationship we build and nurture over the course of our lives. I don’t mean exclusively religious beliefs. I’m talking about our physical connection to the Universe and how that connection pertains to our businesses. Over the course of the La.Rue blog, I’ve talked a lot about […]
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There is a spiritual belief that exists among many religions that defines the Universe as a higher power. In this context, we’re taught that nothing is coincidence, and everything is fate. Whether it’s something as small as sidestepping a piece of gum; regarding that as “good luck.” Or, as grand as how you meet your […]
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Happy July update for the 2023 Goal Setting Challenge: How to make 2023 Your Best Year Yet, July Edition! If you’re new here, over 2023, I have implemented a goal-setting challenge to hold myself accountable to my big dreams. Each month, I’m serving updates via the Blog and Podcast to keep you informed (and hold […]
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The know, like, trust concept centers on how you build your relationship and credibility with your potential customer / ideal client. It’s a three-step process that happens when an ideal client finds you through an outside source, like social media. This marketing concept is based on the idea that you can build a loyal group […]
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The life of an entrepreneur is demanding. It requires your full attention, dedication, and passion to start and grow your venture successfully. However, even with these demands, it’s possible for entrepreneurs to live intentionally. With thoughtful consideration between your personal needs and goals, balanced with the needs and goals of your business, you can build […]
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Imposter syndrome, in my opinion, is one of the worst ways we self-sabotage ourselves. If you’re unfamiliar with what imposter syndrome is, it’s essentially a mindset block we face when we believe we’re not as good at something as we actually are. We can feel imposter syndrome about anything, from being a good parent to […]
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Do you know that feeling of wanting something so badly and continuously wondering why it’s not coming into your life? Why you’re not getting that job you know is meant for you? Or why you didn’t sign that client you thought you had an amazing connection with? Sometimes, no matter how strongly you may think […]
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Happy June Update! If you’re new here, over 2023, I have implemented a goal-setting challenge to hold myself accountable to my big dreams. Each month, I’m serving updates via the Blog and Podcast to keep you informed (and hold me accountable) on my progress. We’re covering topics of success, where I’m facing blocks, falling short, […]
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As an entrepreneur, generating passive income in addition to your normal source of income is a fantastic way to get your ideal client to start taking notice of you. Generally, any source of passive income is usually something you put a lot of effort into up front but then works for you on the back […]
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Our intuition is our most powerful form of guidance. It’s the connection we share to the Universe, and how the Universe communicates to us and through us. It is a deep inner knowing and voice that calls out to us, guiding us through challenges. A quote from Abraham Hicks tells us the path of least […]
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The friendships we carry in our lives are one of the most complex energies around us. They’re an amalgamation of two people’s feelings, emotions, and personalities combined. If built intentionally, they’re a landing pad for support, advice, and love from someone who cares for you unconditionally. Friendships are unlike any other energy in our lives. […]
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Happy May Update! If you’re new here, over 2023, I have implemented a goal-setting challenge to hold myself accountable to my big dreams. Each month, I’m serving updates via the Blog and Podcast to keep you updated on my progress. We’re covering topics of success, where I’m facing blocks, falling short, and where I plan […]
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When you’re starting out as an entrepreneur—with your one great and unique idea, you will want to decide whether you’ll be a service or product-based entrepreneur. What are you going to sell? Both have benefits and challenges, but you need to determine if it’s a service you’re selling or a product. Typically, breaking into the […]
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Since the new year, I’ve been really good at practicing daily journaling. Every morning, or most mornings, I wake up and practice my morning routine, which includes 15 minutes of uninterrupted journaling. It’s a moment for me to brain-dump anything and everything I want to just put on the page. It’s become a great resource […]
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Well, isn’t this a fun topic… Do you see what I did there? LOL, I’m such a comedian! But, on a serious note, I’m so pumped about this topic. How to incorporate play into your workday is a topic that’s been trending lately. More and more employers are seeing the benefits of treating their employees […]
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We’re officially in a post-Covid era and people, more than ever, are calling on their inner networks to connect. The desire to rekindle human connection is on the rise and community building is the key to achieving it. The La.Rue Community is more than just a social club; it is a catalyst for transformation and […]
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The time has come (at last) to share the details of The La.Rue Community launching in January. This community for women entrepreneurs has been months in the making, with every piece of copy, programming, and offerings being thoughtfully curated and created for you. My team and I have spent countless hours brainstorming and building out […]
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What is the Challenge? The La.Rue 30-Day Intentional Living Challenge is a guide I have curated and designed to help you change your life to live intentionally and achieve your dreams. This guide is for the person struggling with direction, feeling unmotivated, stuck, or in need of some inspiring guidance. The challenge holds in-depth exercises, […]