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Lauren created the Articles (formally known as the blog) over three years ago. The Articles were originally developed as a space for Lauren to share her experiences and employ her voice to create a narrative that was all her own. Documenting her journey with intentional living and entrepreneurship, her dreams grew and her business expanded.
As time went on, Lauren nurtured her intentional living journey, carrying aspects of it over into every facet of her business, including the blog. She used that opportunity to create an ongoing journal of being a woman in entrepreneurship with the desire to combine intentionality under both umbrellas of life and business. The La.Rue Articles are curated with various topics, including intentional living, lifestyle development, entrepreneurship, and personal stories from Lauren. Our hope in sharing this collection of articles is to empower you with the tools, resources, and community to live an intentional life and run an intentional business.
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Content to Serve
all things lauren
Lifestyle development
Intentional Living
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Happy New Year, my friend! It’s been so long since we chatted, I thought I’d catch you up on everything happening with La.Rue, myself, and my goals for 2024. So much has changed since the last time I wrote back in October. The La.Rue Community is launching in just a few short days on Monday, […]
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Happy September update to the 2023 Goal Setting Challenge: How to Make 2023 Your Best Year Yet, September Edition! If you’re new here, throughout 2023, I have implemented a goal-setting challenge to hold myself accountable to my big dreams. Each month, I’m serving updates via the Blog and Podcast to keep you informed (and hold […]
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Happy July update for the 2023 Goal Setting Challenge: How to make 2023 Your Best Year Yet, July Edition! If you’re new here, over 2023, I have implemented a goal-setting challenge to hold myself accountable to my big dreams. Each month, I’m serving updates via the Blog and Podcast to keep you informed (and hold […]
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Happy June Update! If you’re new here, over 2023, I have implemented a goal-setting challenge to hold myself accountable to my big dreams. Each month, I’m serving updates via the Blog and Podcast to keep you informed (and hold me accountable) on my progress. We’re covering topics of success, where I’m facing blocks, falling short, […]
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Welcome to Month THREE of making 2023 your best year, the March edition! If you’re new here or haven’t been following along, I’m giving updates on my progress for my 2023 goals each month. Self-accountability can be challenging regarding our goals or resolutions for the year. So this year, I promised to update you on […]
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Setting New Years Resolutions each year should be like making yourself a promise for a better life. Every December, we reflect on where the year has taken us and what we’ve achieved (or haven’t). And as the new year approaches, we decide (once again) what about our lives we’d like to change. We adjust the […]
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HAPPY NEW YEAR! I am incredibly grateful for this community and all of you who show up for this important content. I hope you had a wonderful holiday, ringing in the New Year with excitement and goals for 2023. As we were leading up to the New Year, I reflected on how much my life […]
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The New Year is quickly approaching! It’s around this time every year we begin to contemplate how this year went and how we want next year to go. Who do you want to be in 2023? That’s an important question to ask yourself. On this week’s Do the Damn Thing Podcast, I share my personal […]
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Write | Inspire | Dream How do you live an Intentional Life? Intentional Living is a lifestyle in which you create a space where you live fully and follow your dreams. Living an Intentional Life in 2021 means creating productive routines, positive habits, and maintaining an intentional mindset that guides you to achievement. Living Intentionally […]
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Write | Inspire | Dream Despite the catastrophe that was 2020, a lot of amazing things did happen for me. A dream I’ve had since I was a freshman in college became my reality. After months of disappointment, failure, and seriously depressing ups and downs, I figured out that no one was going to hand […]
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We’re officially in a post-Covid era and people, more than ever, are calling on their inner networks to connect. The desire to rekindle human connection is on the rise and community building is the key to achieving it. The La.Rue Community is more than just a social club; it is a catalyst for transformation and […]
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The time has come (at last) to share the details of The La.Rue Community launching in January. This community for women entrepreneurs has been months in the making, with every piece of copy, programming, and offerings being thoughtfully curated and created for you. My team and I have spent countless hours brainstorming and building out […]
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What is the Challenge? The La.Rue 30-Day Intentional Living Challenge is a guide I have curated and designed to help you change your life to live intentionally and achieve your dreams. This guide is for the person struggling with direction, feeling unmotivated, stuck, or in need of some inspiring guidance. The challenge holds in-depth exercises, […]