We're thrilled you'd like to work with the La.Rue Creative Studio. While we're based in the New York City Metropolitan area, our clients are located across the globe. We can bring your vision to life, or coach you and your business to the next level, near or far. We offer a specialized, individual and luxury client experience. Because of this promise, we only work with a select number of clients whose projects, vision, and business align with our organic and intentional mission. Please fill out the form below to give us a bit more detail on you, your business, and your vision. Following your form submission, we'll reach out if we feel it’s a good fit! You'll receive an invitation to schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation call to further discuss your project or coaching selection.
Thank you for inquiring to work with La.Rue. We work a select number of 1:1 clients each year who are fully invested into taking their business and their life to the next level. Once our team reviews your submission, we'll reach out to schedule a consultation call if we feel the fit is right!