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Lauren created the Articles (formally known as the blog) over three years ago. The Articles were originally developed as a space for Lauren to share her experiences and employ her voice to create a narrative that was all her own. Documenting her journey with intentional living and entrepreneurship, her dreams grew and her business expanded.
As time went on, Lauren nurtured her intentional living journey, carrying aspects of it over into every facet of her business, including the blog. She used that opportunity to create an ongoing journal of being a woman in entrepreneurship with the desire to combine intentionality under both umbrellas of life and business. The La.Rue Articles are curated with various topics, including intentional living, lifestyle development, entrepreneurship, and personal stories from Lauren. Our hope in sharing this collection of articles is to empower you with the tools, resources, and community to live an intentional life and run an intentional business.
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Content to Serve
all things lauren
Lifestyle development
Intentional Living
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Happy New Year, my friend! It’s been so long since we chatted, I thought I’d catch you up on everything happening with La.Rue, myself, and my goals for 2024. So much has changed since the last time I wrote back in October. The La.Rue Community is launching in just a few short days on Monday, […]
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This year, I attended the Forbes 30 Under 30 Summit in Cleveland, OH. For three days, 5,000 attendees gathered in the Summit Hall to learned about how to become successful entrepreneurs from former listers, Forbes employees, and industry change makers. This was one of the most exciting and inspiring events I’ve ever attended in my […]
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Happy October update to the 2023 Goal Setting Challenge: How to Make 2023 Your Best Year Yet, October Edition! If you’re new here, throughout 2023, I have implemented a goal-setting challenge to hold myself accountable to my big dreams. Each month, I’m serving updates via the Blog and Podcast to keep you informed (and hold […]
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Happy September update to the 2023 Goal Setting Challenge: How to Make 2023 Your Best Year Yet, September Edition! If you’re new here, throughout 2023, I have implemented a goal-setting challenge to hold myself accountable to my big dreams. Each month, I’m serving updates via the Blog and Podcast to keep you informed (and hold […]
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On Wednesday, I officially rang in the celebrations for my 26th birthday. It’s been a glorious week of celebrations with friends and family. Now, I’m excited to sit down and reflect on what my goals are for this year, and anything I plan to leave behind with twenty five year old Lauren. It’s interesting to […]
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In the early stages of your entrepreneurship journey, a great way to grow your network and your client book is by creating partnerships. There are several different types of partnerships you can have with someone. One type of partnership is freelancing for someone. Essentially, this means you freelance for them and they hire you out […]
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There are so many ways ideas of success and confidence can get muddled or confused. The way you interpret success is likely different from your neighbor, your best friend, parents, and so on. The way we look at and identify success varies. Success means something different for everyone. Even within our own definition of success, […]
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Happy July update for the 2023 Goal Setting Challenge: How to make 2023 Your Best Year Yet, July Edition! If you’re new here, over 2023, I have implemented a goal-setting challenge to hold myself accountable to my big dreams. Each month, I’m serving updates via the Blog and Podcast to keep you informed (and hold […]
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Happy June Update! If you’re new here, over 2023, I have implemented a goal-setting challenge to hold myself accountable to my big dreams. Each month, I’m serving updates via the Blog and Podcast to keep you informed (and hold me accountable) on my progress. We’re covering topics of success, where I’m facing blocks, falling short, […]
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Happy May Update! If you’re new here, over 2023, I have implemented a goal-setting challenge to hold myself accountable to my big dreams. Each month, I’m serving updates via the Blog and Podcast to keep you updated on my progress. We’re covering topics of success, where I’m facing blocks, falling short, and where I plan […]
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Welcome to Quarter TWO of 2023! Holy cow! How did we already get here? I don’t know about you, but time is truly flying by this year. I’m so excited to be wrapping up quarter one and moving into quarter two of 2023! This specific time of year is a sweet spot of excitement for […]
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Welcome to Month THREE of making 2023 your best year, the March edition! If you’re new here or haven’t been following along, I’m giving updates on my progress for my 2023 goals each month. Self-accountability can be challenging regarding our goals or resolutions for the year. So this year, I promised to update you on […]
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It’s already February, and it’s time for our first update on how our 2023 goals are going. If you’re new to La.Rue, or you missed my blogs from January; let me update you. Once a month over the next year, I’ll update you on how I’m making progress on my goals after New Year’s. In […]
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When it comes to conversations about dreams, the word scary brings an entirely different context to the table. Instead of fearing something like a scary movie, we’re in fear of growth, success, and change. We say our dreams feel scary for two reasons: one, the journey to achieving that dream brings natural highs and lows. […]
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HAPPY NEW YEAR! I am incredibly grateful for this community and all of you who show up for this important content. I hope you had a wonderful holiday, ringing in the New Year with excitement and goals for 2023. As we were leading up to the New Year, I reflected on how much my life […]
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There were many moments leading up to my Intentional Living journey that triggered a need for change. But it wasn’t until one day, when everything felt hopeless, that my journey to a new life began. If you want to hear that story, listen to the Pilot episode of the Do the Damn Thing Podcast. But […]
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We all want to live our best, most extraordinary life. That’s the common goal, right? We all want to live our own version of a perfect life. And while most people throughout our lives will tell us that’s “unattainable,” they’re wrong. Here’s the thing about living our dream lives, if they involve living in a […]
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Write | Inspire | Dream It can be difficult to define our goals within a timeline. We don’t want to give ourselves too much space to where our motivation can die out, and we fall under the mindset of, I have “plenty” of time; therefore, I don’t need to work on it now. But, we also don’t […]
October 2020:
La.Rue Blog Launches
November 2021: Hits 1,000 Monthly Viewers
October 2022: Hits 2,000 Monthly Viewers
August 2022: Launch of the Entrepreneurship Category
January 2023: Launch of the 2023 Goal Setting Challenge
January 2024: Articles hits 20,000 Unique Visitors
August 2023: Hits 3,000 Monthly Viewers
Behind The Articles
The Articles were the first content platform to launch at La.Rue. Lauren spent most of her time nurturing the blog and building out a wide variety of content. If you’ve followed the Blog (now Articles) for a while, you may have noticed the dramatic shift in content about a year into its inception. Like many, Lauren faced fears in launching an online forum where she would openly, honestly, and candidly share her experiences with the world. It took some time to open up and shift the content to focus on healing, mindset building, and lifestyle changes. And now, the collection of the La.Rue Articles serves as documentation of one person’s growth, and the musing she serves that aid in the growth of the masses.
Who They Serve
The La.Rue Articles are for women on the journey to heal their mind to live a more intentional life. Lauren built La.Rue on the belief that women can “have it all.” As entrepreneurs, we’re taught that we have to give up our personal lives for our business to succeed. That we have to delicate everything we have for the potential to reach success. But, Lauren believed there was a way to have both. To live an intentional life and build an intentional and successful business. Lauren nurtured her belief in this over time, documenting her journey on intentionality every step of the way. Every single article she’s written has been for the women who do (or want to) believe in the same. The La.Rue Articles are for every women entrepreneur seeking to build an successful business while maintaining an intentional life.
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We’re officially in a post-Covid era and people, more than ever, are calling on their inner networks to connect. The desire to rekindle human connection is on the rise and community building is the key to achieving it. The La.Rue Community is more than just a social club; it is a catalyst for transformation and […]
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The time has come (at last) to share the details of The La.Rue Community launching in January. This community for women entrepreneurs has been months in the making, with every piece of copy, programming, and offerings being thoughtfully curated and created for you. My team and I have spent countless hours brainstorming and building out […]
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What is the Challenge? The La.Rue 30-Day Intentional Living Challenge is a guide I have curated and designed to help you change your life to live intentionally and achieve your dreams. This guide is for the person struggling with direction, feeling unmotivated, stuck, or in need of some inspiring guidance. The challenge holds in-depth exercises, […]
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