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by lauren l'heureux

The articles

The La.Rue Articles are a collection of years worth of advice, thoughts, and musings gathered together to inspire women entrepreneurs to live an intentional life and build intentional businesses

Lauren created the Articles (formally known as the blog) over three years ago. The Articles were originally developed as a space for Lauren to share her experiences and employ her voice to create a narrative that was all her own. Documenting her journey with intentional living and entrepreneurship, her dreams grew and her business expanded.

As time went on, Lauren nurtured her intentional living journey, carrying aspects of it over into every facet of her business, including the blog. She used that opportunity to create an ongoing journal of being a woman in entrepreneurship with the desire to combine intentionality under both umbrellas of life and business. The La.Rue Articles are curated with various topics, including intentional living, lifestyle development, entrepreneurship, and personal stories from Lauren. Our hope in sharing this collection of articles is to empower you with the tools, resources, and community to live an intentional life and run an intentional business.

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Recent Articles on La.Rue


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The phrases “rejection is redirection” or “rejection is protection” are tossed around a lot in the spiritual conversation. And yet, it’s still one of those things that are (far) easier to say than do. When someone says one of these phrases to us, we usually nod our heads aimlessly while ruminating on the pain of […]

Imposter Syndrome

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Imposter Syndrome is not the result of a lack of action. You don’t feel like an imposter because you’re not working hard enough or not putting in the time to succeed. Imposter Syndrome comes from feeling you’re not worthy of or deserving enough of something you desire. We often validate these feelings by making blanket […]

Messages to Our Younger Selves

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As we grow older and step into our adult shoes, we realize how much our younger selves may have failed to recognize. Smaller lessons have sat within larger ones; but specifically, we did not realize our power simply within ourselves. Our lives are made up of one big book. It is up to us to […]

Victim V. Victor

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There are several models of thinking that describe how our brains function and why we think the way we do. Over the last two years, I’ve studied several of these models. I wanted to become the best coach possible, but as I was going through my healing journey, I began to wonder why I thought […]

Un-Adopt Your Parents' Mindset

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The relationships we have with our parents are different than every other relationship we have. I am incredibly close with my parents, and although it hasn’t always been this way, it is now for several reasons. One highly important reason is while I was learning to heal my trauma, I learned to heal my mindset. […]

Overcome Perfectionism

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On some level, every entrepreneur struggles with some form of perfectionism. This is because as an entrepreneur, we’re not working just another job. What we’re creating is something often representative of ourselves and something we love. This puts us in a more vulnerable position with whatever it is we’re selling, offering, or creating. When something […]

Soul Contracts

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Allow me to paint a picture of how I believe this unfolds before diving into the what and how. I believe at the ‘entrance’ of this lifetime, we stand in line waiting for acceptance into Earth School. As we reach the front of the line, we are posed with several different opportunities or contracts. Soul […]

Entrepreneurship Journey

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The entrepreneurship journey is one of many emotions—a series of doubt mixed with excitement, fear coinciding with joy. It’s one all-consuming, ever-present thought process of “I can do this…Can I do this?” Which, coincidentally, is the mission statement of this brand. It’s only natural that the owner of a lifestyle brand preaching intentionality to you […]

Emotional Freedom Tapping

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What is Emotional Freedom Tapping or Technique? EFT is a practice used with a technique of acupressure tapping on the meridian points of your body. What are meridian points? These are points on your body, mainly your face, that correspond with the route energy runs throughout your body. These are points above the eyebrow, side […]

La.Rue Creative Studio

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Announcing: the La.Rue Creative Studio! Since launching La.Rue, I’ve been approached by friends, friends-of-friends, and strangers, to help them with their branding or designing their website. I can’t quite pinpoint why I’ve always said no to these people; it just wasn’t something I thought I wanted to pursue, and creative inclination doesn’t come easily or […]

Healthy Boundaries

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When I think of boundaries, I see this image of malleable moving parts constantly being pushed and pulled in different directions. Just like many aspects of our lives, our boundaries are constantly changing. We have different boundaries for different conditions of our lives, different people, places, etc. Everything in our lives is separated by categories […]

Female Friendship

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As you begin to dive deeper into your intentional living journey, you’ll realize that there are fewer and fewer things you’re willing to compromise on. Things that feel less intentional or don’t add intentional value to your life are no longer necessary—this goes for friendships too. The people you choose to keep around you have […]

Spring Cleaning

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Spring Cleaning: an annual purging many participate in to clear out belongings we no longer need, clothes we no longer wear, and things we no longer use. But what else does Spring Cleaning do for us? It’s not just a physical purge of items sitting in the back of your closet or under your bed […]

Spiritual Energy

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Do you remember learning the laws of thermodynamics when you were in elementary school? The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. The exact amount of energy that pre-existed humans is the same amount of energy today. The same law applies to spiritual energy. In the spiritual conversation, this […]

intentional living

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Everything in life requires a balance of some sort; an equal give and take, push and pull, right and left. For us to know that we’re happy, we must experience sadness. We must know what the opposite of one thing is to know we’re experiencing the other. Balance, in many instances, can be relative. What […]

divine masculine and feminine energies

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We are all divine. Just as we are all inherently worthy and abundant—we are divine. To be divine does not mean to reach a higher level of self-awareness or be more in touch with your higher self; it is simply your existence. I recently learned this myself having Jen Cortlandt on the Do the Damn […]

Dating and Law of Attraction

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The Law of Attraction abides by the concept that your external reality is a reflection of your internal. What determines your internal reality? Your thoughts. What you think about yourself, specifically when you’re dating, is what who you’re dating will think of you too. Dating has a laundry list of connotations connected to it–complicated, hard, […]

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It’s been a bit since we went back to our roots of what it means to truly live intentionally. I figure it’s probably best to update this ongoing conversation with some 2022 Positive Habits. We touch on this topic every few months because just as we evolve, change and grow, our habits and lifestyle should […]

October 2020: 
La.Rue Blog Launches

November 2021: Hits 1,000 Monthly Viewers

October 2022: Hits 2,000 Monthly Viewers

August 2022: Launch of the Entrepreneurship Category

January 2023: Launch of the 2023 Goal Setting Challenge

January 2024: Articles hits 20,000 Unique Visitors 

August 2023: Hits 3,000 Monthly Viewers

Behind The Articles

The Articles were the first content platform to launch at La.Rue. Lauren spent most of her time nurturing the blog and building out a wide variety of content. If you’ve followed the Blog (now Articles) for a while, you may have noticed the dramatic shift in content about a year into its inception. Like many, Lauren faced fears in launching an online forum where she would openly, honestly, and candidly share her experiences with the world. It took some time to open up and shift the content to focus on healing, mindset building, and lifestyle changes. And now, the collection of the La.Rue Articles serves as documentation of one person’s growth, and the musing she serves that aid in the growth of the masses. 

Who They Serve

The La.Rue Articles are for women on the journey to heal their mind to live a more intentional life. Lauren built La.Rue on the belief that women can “have it all.” As entrepreneurs, we’re taught that we have to give up our personal lives for our business to succeed. That we have to delicate everything we have for the potential to reach success. But, Lauren believed there was a way to have both. To live an intentional life and build an intentional and successful business. Lauren nurtured her belief in this over time, documenting her journey on intentionality every step of the way. Every single article she’s written has been for the women who do (or want to) believe in the same. The La.Rue Articles are for every women entrepreneur seeking to build an successful business while maintaining an intentional life. 

The History


the Articles

at La.Rue

Cornerstone Content on La.Rue

power of community

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We’re officially in a post-Covid era and people, more than ever, are calling on their inner networks to connect. The desire to rekindle human connection is on the rise and community building is the key to achieving it. The La.Rue Community is more than just a social club; it is a catalyst for transformation and […]

Community for Women Entrepreneurs

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The time has come (at last) to share the details of The La.Rue Community launching in January. This community for women entrepreneurs has been months in the making, with every piece of copy, programming, and offerings being thoughtfully curated and created for you. My team and I have spent countless hours brainstorming and building out […]

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What is the Challenge? The La.Rue 30-Day Intentional Living Challenge is a guide I have curated and designed to help you change your life to live intentionally and achieve your dreams. This guide is for the person struggling with direction, feeling unmotivated, stuck, or in need of some inspiring guidance. The challenge holds in-depth exercises, […]

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