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by lauren l'heureux

The articles

The La.Rue Articles are a collection of years worth of advice, thoughts, and musings gathered together to inspire women entrepreneurs to live an intentional life and build intentional businesses

Lauren created the Articles (formally known as the blog) over three years ago. The Articles were originally developed as a space for Lauren to share her experiences and employ her voice to create a narrative that was all her own. Documenting her journey with intentional living and entrepreneurship, her dreams grew and her business expanded.

As time went on, Lauren nurtured her intentional living journey, carrying aspects of it over into every facet of her business, including the blog. She used that opportunity to create an ongoing journal of being a woman in entrepreneurship with the desire to combine intentionality under both umbrellas of life and business. The La.Rue Articles are curated with various topics, including intentional living, lifestyle development, entrepreneurship, and personal stories from Lauren. Our hope in sharing this collection of articles is to empower you with the tools, resources, and community to live an intentional life and run an intentional business.

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Recent Articles on La.Rue

Let go of control

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Control is a fickle thing in our lives; there are things that we need to control, things we want to control, and things we have no control over. Control—more like a gray space than black and white—lets us feel like we maintain the power in our lives. It’s our way of choosing the when’s, where’s, […]

Feeling Stuck

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Feeling stuck is a state of mind. It’s not a state of being that we’re actually in (a literal stuck position), but rather a feeling that the energy in your life is stagnant. Stagnation is a wildly low vibrational energy that tends to leave us feeling unfulfilled and lacking in accomplishment. But, the feeling of […]

Emotional Responsibility

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What does it mean to have “emotional responsibility”? There is a cycle we discuss in the coaching industry— first, we receive information; second, we process it; third, we decide how we feel about the information; fourth, we take action on the feelings; five, we create a belief. In this cycle, emotions can turn into both […]

Emotional Baggage

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Why do we practice mindfulness? How does healing, releasing, and letting go of emotional baggage truly serve us? Think of your brain as a room full of filing cabinets. On one side, you have filing cabinets full of memories that fulfill you: happy memories and wonderful experiences. On another side, you have filing cabinets containing […]

Happy on Your Own

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The most empowering aspect of living intentionally is the love we maintain for ourselves. When you live intentionally, you are comfortable in your own skin, confident in your direction, and love the version of yourself that is now someone who is constantly evolving. Sounds appealing, right? I think we can all agree that this level […]

Overcome the Fear of Failure

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Write | Inspire | Dream Welcome back to part 2 of the Fear of Failure blog, breaking down the points of the “Conquering the Fear of Failure” podcasts on Do the Damn Thing. I’ve framed the fear of failure ideology under the context of the who, what, when, where, why, and how questions. We first […]

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Write | Inspire | Dream Another year around the sun. It’s been a year of growth, learning, and expansion. I think people reflect on their birthdays in one of two ways. One: We feel a sense of accomplishment and excitement for the day and walk into it feeling like a new year of opportunity is […]

Worthy of Success

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Write | Inspire | Dream We are all inherently worthy of the success we desire. There is no outside force beyond ourselves that can bring us the success we desire. There is no job, no income, and no person who will somehow fulfill what we’re lacking. On Wednesday’s Do the Damn Thing Podcast, I talked […]

Self- Compassion

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Write | Inspire | Dream Having compassion is something I don’t think many people struggle with. Having self-compassion is something I think everyone struggles with. Most people I’ve met in my life have a great capacity for having compassion and empathy for others. They can—on as deep a level they can reach—have compassion and understanding […]

Career growth

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Write | Inspire | Dream Recently, a great deal of the content on the blog has been spiritually based. I’ve been driving the focus towards manifesting and alignment to live more intentionally and step into our greatest potential. Well, today, I thought I’d step away from that content and lean back on some of the […]

Cornerstone Content on La.Rue

power of community

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We’re officially in a post-Covid era and people, more than ever, are calling on their inner networks to connect. The desire to rekindle human connection is on the rise and community building is the key to achieving it. The La.Rue Community is more than just a social club; it is a catalyst for transformation and […]

Community for Women Entrepreneurs

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The time has come (at last) to share the details of The La.Rue Community launching in January. This community for women entrepreneurs has been months in the making, with every piece of copy, programming, and offerings being thoughtfully curated and created for you. My team and I have spent countless hours brainstorming and building out […]

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What is the Challenge? The La.Rue 30-Day Intentional Living Challenge is a guide I have curated and designed to help you change your life to live intentionally and achieve your dreams. This guide is for the person struggling with direction, feeling unmotivated, stuck, or in need of some inspiring guidance. The challenge holds in-depth exercises, […]