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Let’s Catch Up: 2023, Community Launch, and Goals for 2024

Goals for 2024

Happy New Year, my friend! It’s been so long since we chatted, I thought I’d catch you up on everything happening with La.Rue, myself, and my goals for 2024. So much has changed since the last time I wrote back in October. The La.Rue Community is launching in just a few short days on Monday, January 22nd (WOW!). The new La.Rue website has launched, we have new services, and it’s a NEW YEAR! A lot has changed in three months, and we’re so excited to catch you up on everything. The La.Rue brand faced a massive transformation over the last year. The growth we’ve seen has felt extraordinary, but at the same time, intimidating—as I’m sure it does for most. But even so, growth and change aren’t something to fear, but something to embrace.

With the launch of the next phase of La.Rue, I feel those same feelings of excitement and fear bubbling to the surface. The best thing to do is embrace them and charge forward with confidence, so that’s what we’re doing today. I’ve been working on these projects for so long, pouring so much of my time, energy, heart and soul into them. I think it’s just one of those things that when you nurture it for so long, it can feel really scary to set it free. This project has been through it’s chrysalis and caterpillar phases, and now it’s time to let it fly as a beautiful butterfly.

The La.Rue Community

As I’m sure you’ve already seen, The La.Rue Community is launching in t-minus three days! This community is a women’s only social club that is revolutionizing the way we intersect business and lifestyle. The first of its kind, The La.Rue Community is a private members club that focuses on empowering women with support, connection, and education in their life and business. We offer three tiers for membership options. Each tier is built with robust programming, and features guest experts each month to provide our community members with the best possible learning and growth. Our Brand Partnerships are what makes us unique to every other community out there. We are partnering with women-owned businesses globally to help bridge the gap between the the business and the client.

The La.Rue Community Brand Partners are a compilation of brands/ businesses across a vast array of industries that support our Community members. Each brand partner offers an exclusive resource or discount to our community members as a tool to accelerate their growth in life and business. Our support of these businesses is in offering their services to our Community members, taking out the middle man of research to find the resource they’re looking for.

And guess what! By clicking the link below, you can fill out your application in advance and get exclusive access to join The Community the morning it launches! Fill out your application by clicking the link below.

La.Rue Creative Studio: Our 1:1 Services

The La.Rue Creative Studio is the host to our three unique services that we offer. Our services have been modified and updated to fit the needs of our incredible client roster. Each one of our services offers branding & website design work, each with a growing level of coaching and 1:1 support available.

Tier One: Branding & Website Style Development is our most basic package elevating your visual brand with luxury assets and intentional design. Visual brand elevation meets luxury website design, repositioning your business into a next-level market. Three months of 1:1 work that culminates in an overall visual brand uplevel.

Tier Two: Visual Brand Elevation focuses on the imaging around your brand. Not only do we redesign your branding and website, but you also walk away with a completely new luxury “image.” Four hours of thorough 1:1 coaching that will elevate your brand: marketing packets, client processes, social media imagery, and more.

Tier Three: Luxury Brand Positioning & Design is our highest touch package with robust business coaching that meets luxury brand style evolution. Truly our most intimate coaching package, we focus on positioning for a luxury market by auditing and elevating your brand from start to finish.

Our clients come first from the moment they sign on through the execution of their service. Beyond your service, you’re a lifelong member of the La.Rue family. We cherish your brand and business as our own. We offer a one-of-a-kind luxury client experience that is met with timeless design and strategic coaching.

2023 Recap & Goals for 2024

And now that you know the most exciting news, I thought I’d catch you up on what’s going on with me personally. You can listen to the podcast to get caught up in much more intimate detail, but the summary is: 2023 was the most transformative year of my life thus far, and I think 2024 will be even greater. The launch of The La.Rue Community is ushering in the next phase of my business, but also my personal life. It’s required me to do more than I’ve ever done before. I’ve taken more leaps of faith on myself than I ever have before. It’s taken a lot of healing, internal reflection, and trust in myself to build out this idea from inception to launch.

Each part of my business, each step has required a certain level of trust, but this was entirely different. Once I saw a clear, long-term vision for the community, it became obvious that this was my purpose. I have a clear vision and mission in mind now. For the first time, I can see exactly what La.Rue is meant to become. Moving ahead to the new year, my goals for 2024 are to let the community and the growth of La.Rue continue to take form naturally. I think because I never had a clear vision, each time I approached a new launch, I felt like I had to really force it. But this feels entirely different. This feels right and aligned with everything I value and all of the goals I have for myself.

As we move ahead…

I’ll continue to keep you updated on the podcast. If you’re interested in learning more about my personal goals for 2024, look out for the 2024 Goal Setting Challenge. Last year’s challenge was such a success, I wanted to continue the monthly tradition. I hope you find great value in this challenge and the updates. I cannot begin to express how excited I am for this year and all that La.Rue will do. And we hope you join The La.Rue Community!

Xo,  lauren