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La.Rue 30-Day Intentional Living Challenge

What is the Challenge?

Intentional Living Challenge The La.Rue 30-Day Intentional Living Challenge is a guide I have curated and designed to help you change your life to live intentionally and achieve your dreams. This guide is for the person struggling with direction, feeling unmotivated, stuck, or in need of some inspiring guidance. The challenge holds in-depth exercises, menus, and worksheets that will show you how to redesign your life to live intentionally. This lifestyle is created upon your foundation of beliefs and what you dream of achieving in your life so that you may create a life you love, excel in, and live every day to what your version of “fully” means.

This unique guide covers every aspect of your life to make changes you’d like to see in those areas. On the Intentional Living Guide, and in the Blog Intentional Living, I discuss the five pillars of Intentional Living and their corresponding intentions in your life. The exercise in the challenge, “What Does Your Dream Day Look Like?” requires you to take note of what you have accomplished in your life, understand what your dreams and aspirations are for your future, and, most importantly, answer the question of How you plan to achieve these dreams. You will go through an intense 30-day challenge, designing a plan of action that allows you to see success in small goals, ultimately leading you to achieve your dreams.

How the Challenge Works…

Intentional Living Challenge

In the Challenge, you will notice that each page corresponds to one another; they all share a common purpose, to work towards creating a space in which you live fully and intentionally. You begin with a letter from me and an instructions guide on how the pages work and their purpose in creating an intentional life. You will begin by completing the Dream Day exercise, followed by filling out your Habit Tracker and Intentional Living Guide for the month. These will set the tone for the rest of your challenge and guide you on how to create your plan of action.

Following those worksheets, you’ll begin creating your ideal morning and evening routine that you will follow for the month, as well as your Financial lineup so you can begin tracking your spending. Finally, you will fill out your weekly planning sheet and your Task Drop for the month of all of the things you’d like to accomplish and complete, which will take you through to the last step of creating your Daily Plan. The Daily Planning page is an accumulation of every page, creating actionable responsibility in your day to complete your entire challenge.

How the Challenge will Change your Life!!!

Intentional Living Challenge This challenge has the sole intention of helping you to create change in your life. Change comes from taking charge of your life, understanding what you have the ability to control, taking control, and creating the life you want to live. This is scary, trust me, I know. It requires a great deal of trust in yourself, responsibility in your actions, and honesty. But what you must understand is that it takes this action for you to reach that dream life. The Intentional Living Challenge was created months ago before I even knew what it was. I was stuck and lost in my life, unsure of what my next steps should be and what I wanted to do. I sat down at my kitchen table and made a list of all of the things I wanted to do in my life, all of the things I wanted to accomplish, and I made a list of what I could and could not control. After a series of incredible events, I ended up here, writing this blog for you to show you that you can make that significant change in your life too.

I want to show you that life doesn’t have to be mediocre or just good or something you just settle for. Your life can be extraordinary; you are fully capable of achieving your dreams and reaching your goals; you just have to have the right motivation, determination, and passion for getting there. There  are so many things and excuses we allow in our lives to hold us back: fear, judgment, and the promise of tomorrow. But let me be completely honest – and frankly blunt – with you. Fear is another way of telling yourself you can’t do it if you allow it to hold you back. Of course you’re scared to follow your dreams, rejection and failure are tough and sometimes hard to overcome, but believe me, there is a reason for everything, and we face those challenges so that when we do achieve our dreams, it means that much more. Judgment is even more complicated; it’s a combination of fear and insecurities that hold you back from moving forward. When I thought about creating La.Rue, the biggest thing holding me back was the fear of judgment. And finally, the promise of tomorrow, a combination of everything, a way for us to make excuses because we believe tomorrow is better for following our dreams, rather than today.

I created this challenge because I genuinely believe it will help you move beyond these excuses and fears. This challenge will guide you to creating a life in which you’re excited to live, proud of your accomplishments, and willing to fight your fears. Intentional Living is a lifestyle; you create a space to live your life fully and freely. Create your space and begin the challenge today. Use the code LARUE30CHALLENGE to receive 50% OFF your purchase of the challenge.

As always, you’re a goddess, and thank you for being here so I can do what I love every day. Use the hashtag #LaRue30ILC to show me how you design your guides and worksheets and progress throughout your challenge. I wish you the best of luck in changing your life. Purchase your challenge, HERE! 

Xo,  lauren