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How to charge your worth is an essential conversation in the entrepreneurship space. It can feel so awkward for someone beginning their own business to try and place a numerical value on their worth. However, charging your worth and articulating why the investment is worth it is critical to running a successful business. Three things must happen for someone to make money in their entrepreneurial journey. One: you have to take the time to determine what your services are worth. Two: you have to be able to articulate why the amount is what it is and why it’s a worthwhile investment. And three, arguably the most important if you’re looking at this from an Intentional Living perspective. You have to believe that whatever number you assign to your services, you deserve to be earning.
At the beginning of any entrepreneurship journey, it feels challenging to assign value to what you’re offering. It feels awkward trying to place a numerical value on something you’ve likely worked so hard to create/ develop. We feel like we have to toe the line between being fair (because we’re new at this) and somehow making a profit. So how do we figure out our pricing standards? How do we assign a value to our services that make sense while also considering our need to make a profit and grow a business? You have to be intentional about your services and clear about how they add value to your customer’s life. When you can articulate your prices and why they’ve been set, you can feel confident charging your worth.
I’m writing this article on the heels of raising my own rates. Since launching La.Rue, I’ve raised my rates twice, the most recent being the third. The first two times, I belly ached over the raise and harshly questioned my decision in the value because I was never sure it was accurate. This time around, raising my rates couldn’t come fast enough because I had never been more sure of my worth. I could see the work, dedication, and pride I was putting into all of my client work and quickly realized it was time to raise my prices, and this time around, it was the most significant jump I had taken.
Growing a business and confidence go hand-and-hand in the entrepreneurial journey. In the first five years of building a business, you’re going to raise your rates the most and more often. The first two times felt awkward and uncomfortable because I wasn’t sure I was worth that money. Charging your worth and assigning a value to your offerings can be challenging initially. But it’s part of the journey, and it’s a good challenge to see where you need to practice more internal healing. You have to be confident in what you’re offering and the value you’re adding.
Let’s be clear, articulating your value isn’t about getting on a consult call and explaining why you’re worth the investment. Articulating your value is all in the copywriting and image you create. As I move into the luxury market, I realize that value is shown entirely in your portfolio. But in the beginning, as you’re building that portfolio, copywriting will be your ticket to growth. The beginning steps of building a business require a lot of research. Your market research is what will help you create good copy that sells.
Your copywriting should have several key elements to creating this natural progress. You don’t want to get on a consult call and have to tell a potential customer what their investment is and why it’s worth it. You want your customer to come to you already knowing your value; the consultation calls are to ensure you’re a good match. But the way to describe your value to your ideal client is to add an element of storytelling in your copy that lets the customer see themselves in your work or as your client. You want to describe their issues to them and, more importantly, how your unique services solve those issues. Your copy creates an element of personability that connects you to your client. Writing good copy correlates to the value you see in yourself.
At La.Rue, it’s about connecting everything in the outside world and every facet of our lives to intentionality. If you’re a beginning entrepreneur, creating your pricing guide is about more than just assigning monetary value to your offerings. It’s about believing that’s what you’re worth. The beginning years of entrepreneurship include some uphill battles in confidence. We fight imposter syndrome, worth, work ethic, etc. Throughout my entire entrepreneurship journey, I’ve practiced EFT to heal my anxieties about owning my own business. I’ve worked on healing my insecurities about believing I’m worth what I charge. Not only has that EFT helped heal that anxiety, but I’ve experienced real-world proof of that healing.
I’ve signed dozens of clients, hit and exceeded financial goals, and up-leveled my business twice. If you’re a beginning or established entrepreneur and you’re ready to heal the ceilings you’re hitting, EFT can help you up-level your business. Whether you’re hitting caps financially, with the number of clients you’re signing, partnerships, investing in a business coach might be your next step. If you’re interested in learning more about the coaching offerings at La.Rue, visit our offerings page and fill out the application to find out if we’re the right fit!