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5 Ways Living Intentionally Guides you to Achieving your Dreams

Write | Inspire | Dream

living intentionally

As La.Rue grows and moves forward, Intentional Living will continue to serve as the core value and center topic for the brand. Now that we’re almost two months post-launch and I’ve shared with you what the core pillars of La.Rue are, I really want to begin diving into what it means to Live Intentionally. Every blog published on La.Rue will serve to provide you with content-driven towards building your knowledge of Intentional Living and HOW you can change your life when you live that way. For today’s topic of Intentional Living, I want to share with you the five amazing ways Living Intentionally puts you on track to achieving your dreams.

When you’re Living Intentionally…

1. Clear Drive & Direction: The reason people so often fall short or completely miss the mark when reaching for their dreams is their lack of drive or direction. People know what they want, but they don’t know how to get it. Wanting something is very different from working for it. Three years ago, I wanted a blog; now, I am working to achieve my dreams of building an Intentional Living & Lifestyle Brand by putting in the time, energy, and love that creates a space for success. When I took control and gave myself clear goals to achieve, I became determined to build something I was proud of, something that would inspire others to do the same. Knowing what you want out of life is the first step in creating your plan of when you have a clear and concise goal that you can work towards, you’re more likely to succeed.

2. Motivation to Achieve: Your drive has to come from a fire within you; your dreams can’t be just something you want or something someone else wants for you. Your drive has to come from a desire to achieve nothing less than what you dream of. We all have our good days and our bad days. We have days that uplift us and seem as though we’re about to achieve everything we’ve ever wanted, and we have days where it seems that our dreams are the furthest thing from our grasp. But most days are those in-between days where you’re moving forward towards that clear goal that motivates you to work hard and put in the time. But your motivation doesn’t just come from your desire to achieve your dreams; motivation can come from so many different areas of your life. Many of us are motivated to succeed to provide for families or even to prove to those who told us we couldn’t, that our dreams weren’t worth it. Wherever your motivation comes from, let it be the light that guides you towards your achievement, the pull you need when you’re in the darkness, and the reminder that even when you feel like you’re failing, you’re not.

3. Push Boundaries for Success: Not everyone is the bold, go-getter, nothing can stand in my way, type, and that’s ok. But, when you live intentionally and you cut out the toxic habits and people in your life, you begin to transform into the best version of yourself. For, what I would assume to be most people, when you’re the best version of yourself, you’re confident. Confidence builds a trust within yourself that you know what you’re doing, and you know how to get what you want. So when you’re living Intentionally and have confidence, you know when to push boundaries to move forward. What do I mean by pushing boundaries? Confidence gives you the motivation to reach out for promotions, make network connections, meet new people, and more. You’re more willing to put yourself out there and push YOUR boundaries because your motivation to achieve has grown.

4. Learn who you are: When you’re living intentionally, you become most close to the version of yourself you want to be. You realize what you’re capable of achieving when you set your mind to things, use your time wisely, and surround yourself with people who only want to see you succeed. Success comes when you transform yourself into the best possible version of you. A you where judgment and excuses hold no place in your life; only opportunity and drive. When you’re living intentionally, you create positive habits and routines, you become more aware of your decisions, and you have healthy relationships. All of these factors of Intentional Living contribute to you creating a space in which you live your best life and to what your version of “fully” means.

5. Live FULLY: Over and over you’ve seen me say – and you’ll continue to see me say that when you live intentionally, you live your life to what your version of “fully” means. In the Welcome to La.Rue Blog, I briefly discuss what La.Rue will do for you, how the mission, vision, and content will help you elevate your lifestyle and achieve your dreams. But for you to live fully, you must take what you learn and implement these tactics, techniques, and this way of life. Define what your version of fully means and live it. Don’t let a lack of motivation, inspiration, or other people hold you back. If you have a dream, reach for it.

Xo,  lauren