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Rebrand Your Business to its Next Level of Success

rebrand your business

Welcome back to another Entrepreneurship blog! This post feels extra special as it is coming on the heels of the two-year anniversary of La.Rue. To mark the celebratory occasion, La.Rue has undergone an exciting rebrand to match a new level of business, clients, and luxury. It’s a privilege to be in a position where a rebrand is necessary. As you continue to reach new levels of success, niching down and becoming more selective about your clients will happen. In the two years since La.Rue’s inception, the brand has grown immensely, as illustrated by new product launches, new services, and new types of content. But as I began to reach the two-year milestone—specifically after launching the La.Rue Creative Studio, I realized it was time to reclarify the brand. Today, I want to share my own process and how you, too, can rebrand your business to its next level of success.

Why You Need to Rebrand Your Business

Throughout the process of my rebrand, there was one thought I was consistently reminding myself of: don’t make things more complicated than they need to be. So many entrepreneurs or business owners find the process of a rebrand so scary or so daunting because most people think it’s like essentially launching a new brand. Rebranding doesn’t mean changing every piece of your business to create a new puzzle. As I said, most people in a position to rebrand are doing so because they’re reaching higher levels of success. Meaning, parts of your puzzle are functioning perfectly. Those are the parts you want to keep. A rebrand is almost entirely in appearance and offerings. For the most part, your system and processes behind the scenes will stay the same. Slight modification to adjust for new clients and new revenue is necessary, but you don’t need to scrap the system altogether.

We don’t need to further complicate the things that are already working for us. A rebrand is about showing how your brand has evolved for the client. As La.Rue continues to evolve into the luxury client and coaching market, the brand must reflect that. That doesn’t mean everything about the brand has to change, it just means it needs some elevating and clarifying. That’s what a rebrand is all about. As you continue to reach more and more success, you’re going to continue niching down so that you’re reaching only your ideal client. A rebrand is about clarifying exactly who your ideal client is; as you gain more success, that client will get more and more specific.

Finding new clarity

There are three critical steps to establishing your brand identity. As iterated in the last entrepreneurship post: Building your Brand Identity, you need to have an established brand look and voice, marrying the two together in a cohesive brand mission. When you’re going through the process of a rebrand, for the most part, your brand identity will stay the same; as I said, it’s all about clarity. This week on the Do the Damn Thing Podcast, I get a little more intentional about this conversation in regards to how your brand is essentially a life form you’ve built. The analogy I use that stresses this point is one of human connection. Just as we personally grow and evolve, our brand does as well. Meaning the visual identity, or what we project outward in our appearance will change, but the soul or mission of the brand will not.

The internal rebranding process, meaning the rebranding you do on your internal processes, is just as critical as your outward rebranding. When you create these new systems and allow them to be reflected in your visual brand, or in your products and services, you’re illustrating to your ideal client that you’re offering something new and exciting. Rebranding stimulates growth and expansion of a brand. It’s a good thing to go through a rebrand. It showcases where you’ve hit your goals and how you’re prepared to let your brand or business evolve.

What’s necessary to rebrand your business

So what do you actually need to do to successfully rebrand your business? As a Virgo, I was inclined to make a checklist as long as possible. And initially, I did. Several months back, when I first had the idea for a rebrand, I made a list of all things I would need to do. Once I was done making that list, I told myself the project would be too big, and I didn’t want to do it. La.Rue was “good as is.” But then, about two months ago, I was seeing substantial growth, and I really wanted to do the rebrand. I looked at the checklist again and knew there was no way I could get all of it done in two months with all the other projects I had going on.

I paired down that list to what absolutely had to get done, and what I really wanted to get done. Once I was able to create a list that felt doable, I knew it was time to actually rebrand. Instead of feeling daunting, the process felt really exciting.

Some things on that list included:

Visual Identity:

  • New Brand Assets: Color Palette, Typesuite, Logo
  • Site Appearance


  • New Bio
  • New Service Copy
  • Homepage Updates


  • New Packages
  • New Services
  • Single Luxury Service Offering

And this is almost my entire to-do list, with a few miscellaneous things here and there. Tackling a rebrand does not mean essentially creating an entirely new business. It means re-establishing who your brand is, and making sure that iterated visually and through your services. Other things will happen more organically over time after your rebrand. Not everything has to be figured out beforehand. I know as I get acquainted with my new offerings, my internal systems will adjust.

A rebrand is all about illustrating growth. It’s an exciting opportunity as a business owner to clarify what your business does, how your business serves, and who your business serves. You’ll know when the time is right to rebrand your business because you’ll feel ready to take on the mindset of “less is more.”

Xo,  lauren